***TOP 1.5 % Global Podcast*** Are you a busy mom who wants more time for what matters most, but you have no idea where to start simplifying your life? Do you wish you could nourish your family with healthy homemade food but are too overwhelmed and end up going through the drive thru......again? Are you concerned about the toxins in your home and food but don’t know how to find simple, natural options to support your family’s health? I am so excited you are here! This podcast will teach you how to live an simpler life, make your own natural products, simple ways to garden, cook from scratch, and preserve your food to save money and reduce the items you have to buy at the store to become more self-reliant and creating an income on your homestead! Hey, I’m Monica, I’m a wife, mom of 5 kids, grandma, nurse and daughter of the King! I was overwhelmed with my full schedule and knew I wanted to create more time for my family by simplifying my life. I started small by swapping toxic products for more natural ones, cooking simple healthy meals from scratch, and creating simple systems without the stress and overwhelm! And I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with you! So grab that cup of coffee, get cozy on the porch swing…..and let’s chat! Website: Claimingsimplicity.com Join our Community of Christian Moms https://www.facebook.com/groups/claimingsimplicity/ Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Wednesday Dec 20, 2023
Hello Friend!
I book, working on a beginner homesteading course, gathering animals on our farm and running kids with sports and yet I have been able to easily keep up with keeping a clean house.
I will tell you that I still have an enclosed trailer sitting in my yard that we have not emptied yet and to tell you the truth-I really don’t want to add anything else to our home right now. I’m leaving that stuff to do during the winter when we seem to have a little more down time!
Where are you on your declutter journey? Have you started? Do you need to start? It is so satisfying to me to remove items from our home, but I remember when I was in my 20s with 3 young kids, that was hard, but money was so tight and I had more of a scarcity mentality back then, but I havent’ had that for years now.
Let me help you get started so you can spend less time cleaning and more time enjoying the people around you or the things you love.
Start wherever you think will be the easiest. For me, it is always the bathroom. If you use something, keep it, but if you haven’t used an item in a while donate or toss it. Get rid of old makeup you don’t wear and jewelry you never wear. There is no reason to keep anything that just makes you more work. How many towels do you need? 1 or 2 per person that uses the bathroom is more than enough. Go through each and every item with a garbage bag and a donation box. This will take some time, but you will be so glad you did this so you don’t have to manage all that stuff. In this process, you will create a big mess, so if you don’t have a whole lot of time, just start with a few drawers or what you can complete and then next time start where you left off. Next go to a room that you want to get done and do the same thing, maybe start with drawers in the kitchen and then cupboards as you have time and then fridge.
If you truely want to free up your time from cleaning, you have to declutter otherwise you just continue to organize time after time. I love this minimal life and I think you will too! You clear your mental load just by eliminating clutter! Make this a must do task to start your new year out right and if you need some tips or coaching, let me know and I would love to help you out!
Here is to a decluttered home in 2024!
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Tuesday Dec 19, 2023
Hey Beautiful Friend!
The world tells you your beauty isn’t valued unless you show zero wrinkles, imperfections or blemishes, but I want you to embrace your natural, God given, unique, normal, beautiful self. There is beauty in simple and natural. God looks at the heart, not at outward appearances.
The comparison trap is real It is alot of pressure to keep up in today’s society .I could compare all day long to my business competitors, but I know that I am me and you friend are you. Be YOU! Be all God created you to be! He will reward you 10 fold!
Let your beauty shine! I have only worn foundation a few times in my life and my husband just hates it on anyone and I have never liked the feel of it and yes, I do have age spots and blemishes, but I have never been one to place value on surface things. Beauty is an inside job!
I talk to my teens about the chemicals that people put on their skin and how it is absorbed straight into their body, so hopefully they learn the importance of what they put on their skin and don’t make the choice to use anything that isn’t completely natural. It can affect energy, hormones, auto immune disorders, among many other problems.
I will provide the QR code below of a great natural skincare if you want to start using pure and natural products without the toxins. Ill also provide the natural home qr code too if you are interested in that.
What are some things you can do to change your natural beauty. Do some research and look at ingredients. Many countries wouldn’t even be allowed to sell some of the products we use here in the us.
If you want to wear a little mascara, just make sure it is completely natural. It is worth paying a little money up front so hopefully you don’t end up paying for thousands of dollars down the road on dr bills from disease.
Get out your Bible and learn who you are in Christ. Write them down and read them every day.
1.You are a child of God
2.You are chosen, holy, and beloved
3.You are God’s workmanship created to produce good works
You friend, are so precious to God and I don’t want you to ever forget it! So strip yourself of outward beauty and start shining today!!!!!!
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
DIY Cleaners ->https://claiming-simplicity.ck.page/best-diy-cleaners
Natural Home -> https://doterra.me/m7PuHL
Natural Skin Care -> https://doterra.me/G41E52
Let me know if you have any questions!

Monday Dec 18, 2023
Monday Dec 18, 2023
Welcome to another episode of "Claiming Simplicity," the podcast dedicated to help you create more meaning with a simpler life! I'm your host, Monica H Baker and I'm thrilled to share today's topic with you right before you may be gathering more than any other time of the year. "5 Tactical Tips to Nurture Relationships and Create Traditions While Living a Simple Life. Seriously, there is nothing that makes me more joyous than creating memories and experiences with family and friends. We have been so blessed to be surrounded by the best people.
In our fast-paced world, it's easy to overlook the importance of nurturing relationships and creating traditions. But, as a homesteader in Minnesota who values slow living and intentional living, I've learned that these aspects are essential for a fulfilling and balanced life.
So, let's dive right into these 5 tactical tips that will help you strengthen your bonds and foster meaningful traditions, all while living a simpler life:
Tip 1: Unplug and Connect - We often get caught up in the digital world. Take some time to unplug from screens and connect with your loved ones. Whether it's a family game night, a shared meal, or simply sitting around a fire pit, these moments can be the foundation of lasting traditions. As you probably figured out, I don’t sit still at all, so for us it is usually doing something as we spend time together. Last weekend, the family that was not hunting was making meals and enjoying time the animals outside, but sometimes we are making gifts, projects, or we even enjoy making our non toxic cleaning supplies together.
Tip 2: Nature-Inspired Traditions - As a homesteader you have the perfect backdrop for creating traditions that embrace the wonders of nature-whether you live in town or country, you can find somewhere to enjoy the land and the beauty of God’s creation. Consider annual camping trips, hiking adventures, or even gardening together as a family. In the summer when we moved, my 13 year old said one of the things she was most sad about was that we weren't able to have a garden since we would be in between locations. We were very grateful to have such an awesome neighbor that let us do some gardening at her house, but it was really hard to keep on top of when we weren’t right there all the time. I like to go out to the garden at sunrise in the morning and just enjoy time with God and pull weeds, so we didn’t want to do that at someone else’s house! My kids like to watch the produce grow and enjoy gathering our harvest as well. I hope they always appreciate the little things in life.
Tip 3: Embrace Seasonal Celebrations - Living a simple life allows you to appreciate the changing seasons. Use this as an opportunity to celebrate the unique beauty and experiences that each season brings. From spring picnics to cozy winter gatherings, these rituals will connect you with the rhythms of nature. I love this time of the year as we go from camping at the cabin, to hunting, Fall birthday parties, and then it is Thanksgiving, Christmas cookie making and traditions and then Christmas. We are so unbelievably grateful to be able to spend even more time with family and friends this time of the year.
Tip 4: Handmade and Heartfelt Gifts - Encourage your family to create and exchange handmade gifts. This not only fosters creativity but also adds a personal touch to your traditions. It's a wonderful way to show love and appreciation. It has so much more meaning when you make something yourself and receive handmade items. We treasure homemade gifts.
Tip 5: Community Involvement - As a homesteader, you're likely part of a tight-knit community. Get involved in local events and initiatives. You'll not only nurture relationships within your family but also with your neighbors. This sense of community can be a rich tradition in itself. If you don’t have something around you that you would like to attend, maybe it is something you would like to start! I started a homesteading womens group at our home just because there wasn’t anything in our area and it is such an amazing bunch of ladies. I look forward to having them over each month and we all learn from each other!
Remember, simplicity doesn't mean sacrificing the depth of your relationships or the richness of your traditions. It's about savoring the moments that truly matter and letting go of unnecessary distractions.
I hope these tips inspire you to nurture your relationships and create traditions that resonate with your values. Also, I am so excited to start communicating to you with simple tips and recipes through our email group a few times per month. You can either go to the website and join our email family or download one of our free resources. I look forward to getting to know you a little more!!!!!!
Thank you for joining us on Claiming Simplicity. Until next time, slow down, live intentionally, and savor the beauty of a simpler life.
Love ya! Monic
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
DIY Cleaners ->https://claiming-simplicity.ck.page/best-diy-cleaners
Products for Recipes ->https://referral.doterra.me/12623979

Friday Dec 15, 2023
Friday Dec 15, 2023
It has been a full month already with activities and events we have had going on and with all of that, I have not got any baking done, my homemade gifts finished, or finished my list for the Grandkids, so I have to push pause on a few other things I have going on so that I can be present with my family and friends. Yes, this means that the rough draft of my book won’t be done by the end of the year, but I am ok with that knowing that I am putting my most important values ahead of everything else.
I don’t want you to stress out if you need to do this as well. I was having a hard time concentrating on writing the last few weeks because of all the things I still need to do as well as making this season as special as possible for my family and this may be you as well. You might not be writing a book, but I’m sure you are doing things that you really don’t need to do right now so that you can enjoy intentional time with family and friends. Christmas only comes once a year, so I am giving you permission to say no to things that do not align with your values and bring you joy right now.
This last weekend we went to a Christian Camp that we do every year with kids and Grandkids that have all kinds of Christmas activities to do and it is only 3 hours long with so many things to do and because it is spread out and we do alot of walking, we have to really decide what is important to us to do in that 3 hours because you can’t get to everything. It got me thinking about how this is how we should look at this whole season as well and enjoy the moments that we truely enjoy and make sure we priorize because we truely can’t do it all ~and certainly not without stress and overwhelm. I will say, one thing that I don’t enjoy is wrapping presents. I love love love to give meaningful gifts or experiences, but wrapping is not my favorite and right now my teenagers enjoy it, so I will give them gifts to wrap so that I can focus on the things I love and it is a win win for all of us! Funny thing is that I have put some of their gifts in boxes and they have even wrapped their own presents some years without even knowing it!!!!! I’m so grateful my girls also like doing the baking, so we all do that together and then the grandkids decorate their own that they get to bring home~because there is alot of finger licking at their young ages when they decorate!!!!
I want you to think if there is something you have been doing that you could put off until the new year? I promise….most things can wait and our time is so precious.
I did want to tell you that I will be doing the no spend challenge again this year in January! This time I am going to try and spend even less money on groceries if possible and get creative with what I have. I don’t have quite as much canned food as we had previous years since we didn’t have a garden this year because of the move, so this might be even more challenging, but on an exciting note, we are getting more eggs these last 2 weeks than we have gotten since july, so at least we should have eggs! We will see how many different ways we can fix them with sourdough and pork because we have lots of that!!! I would love to have you join me if you are ready to cut spending and live more intentional! Just send me an email to monica@claimingsimplicity.com and write no spend challenge in the subject line and I will add you to the group!!!!!!!!!
I hope you are able to pause and enjoy celebrating the birth of Jesus and intentional living with family and friends this time of the year.
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
Chat soon!

Monday Dec 11, 2023
Monday Dec 11, 2023
Here is a reply of great gifts to give for Christmas! Enjoy having less stress and creating more intentional memories this Holiday season.
Love Ya!

Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Thursday Dec 07, 2023
Hello Friend!!!!
Thanks for being here today!
If you want your life and holiday to be simpler, you have to learn how to do that so that when unexpected things happen in your schedule, it doesn’t throw you off!
I just want to share a few tips of how we keep our Christmas simple. We had an experience many years ago, that made us really make changes in how we did Christmas. We love going to church on Christmas Eve since this whole season is about celebrating the birth of Jesus and we want our kids to know that Jesus is the Reason for this season.
It always felt like we had to rush here and rush there and we weren’t really enjoying it because it was so chaotic. We now can really enjoy Christmas with the focus being on Christ and having one less place to travel simplified the whole holiday. We still see those family members for Christmas, we just do it on a different day, so it works out perfect!
We also simplified our schedules to keeping our time sacred and trying not to overplan activities. We used to host all kinds of gatherings from cookie exchanges to ugly sweater parties and we have reduced our activities so we can just enjoy the calm of the season because planning for all the activities along with everything else there is to do in about 4 weeks can be very exhausting and overwhelming.
We have also simplified gift giving. We really only buy for Grandkids, make gifts for friends and then our gift to the family is renting a place for all the kids and grandkids every year usually in February or March, so that is another great way to make even more memories when there is less to do when the temperatures are so cold here! People and Kids will forget the gifts you give them, but they will remember the memories made!
Another area we simplified on Christmas was to have soups or chillis ready in crockpots and dips and snack foods mostly prepared ahead of time when all the kids and grandkids are here, so nobody was having to spend the whole time in the kitchen. Having foods ready makes the whole experience relaxed and fun so you can spend treasured time together!!!! We play games and laugh alot! Kids have a blast with all their cousins and it just makes for a fantastic time!
I hope you have taken a few of these tips that you can implement into your busy season to enjoy slow living and being intentional with your time. Send me an email and let me know what your plan is this year! I would love to hear it!
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
Talk soon Friend!

Monday Dec 04, 2023
Monday Dec 04, 2023
Hey Friend
Can you believe it is the fist day of December? What a whirlwind it has been! Did you know that you can keep your Christmas simple and spend less money? I want you to really think about how it makes you feel when you spend too much money for Christmas just because you feel like you have to. If you just buy your kids stuff they don’t really appreciate it either.
I’m going to give you some super simple ways to spend less money so you can feel good about the holiday and not have regrets. There was a time when I tried to keep up with other people’s Christmas spending and do all the things and there is so much regret when wasting money on unimportant things!!!!!!
When you are surrounded by materialistic people, you don’t have to participate with them! For us, it took a few years for people to catch on, but I grew up making things for people which makes Christmas so much more meaningful and I continued to do that as I got older. I would much rather get a gift that is homemade that someone put time into than something from the store because it actually means something and it is more likely it will be something we enjoy. I would rather spend my time enjoying the people I am with and there is nothing but pure joy making memories.
These three tips could be a game changer for you Christmas season.
First, know your values and make a list. If you want to keep Christmas simple, then find ways to do just that. For example, if you are a family that gives all the nieces and nephews gifts, think about picking names and doing an exchange. Kids have more than they need and trying to find things that they will keep long term is very rare. They might play with a toy for a couple days and then forget about it. Don’t feel bad when kids get less toys, you are teaching them that material items are not important. Think about playing a game like the white elephant gift where people bring an item from their home. Our family has so much fun with this and these memories are talked about for years! We have also done the siran wrap game and a few others, so check out different ideas you can do on pinterest!
Next, know your budget. If you have not saved all year for this, I suggest you know how much you spent this year and divide that by 12 and in January save that amount each month because we have Christmas every year and it isn’t an unexpected expense, so this amount should be in your budget. You will be so glad you did and you won’t have to stress over money. Include food, gifts, cards and postage if you send them and decor in that amount because it all adds up fast and is an extra expense each and every year.
Lastly, this may not be something you can do this year, but early in the new year, start making items for gifts for next year. Even if you are not crafty, there are so many awesome things you can make that people can use. Make some non toxic hand soaps or lotions-they are as easy as mixing and it is such a great gift that everyone can use! I’m not sure who listens to this that might be getting a Christmas gift from me this year, but I am making sourdough noodles with an attached recipe of homemade chicken soup and it is something that most people can use, friends love them, and it isn’t something everyone can make themselves, so it will make a nice gift and I know most people will be super excited about them and will appreciate them! I could have made them earlier and froze them, but I am making a few batches every few days because as you heard in the last episode-this year was hard. It is a process I really enjoy, so it doesn’t seem like work at all even though it does take time.
I hope you are able to incorporate some of these tips this year so you can save money and reduce the overwhelm this Christmas season, but it is even more important to get ahead on next year if you can -especially on the budget!
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
Blessings Friend!!

Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Wednesday Nov 29, 2023
Hey friend!
As I was reflecting on this year, I thought about how hard it was. It was hard to move away from a home we have done so much to and had so many memories over the last 10 years. It was hard to live in our fishhouse for 3 months. It was hard to move to a home that needed alot of work and still needs alot more. It is hard writing a book when you have so many many obligations and distractions-I want to do it all. It was hard to get so many outside projects done for all the animals we have acquired before the freezing temperatures we have now. I’m not sure about this winter farming when I’m having to haul pails of water from the shed to the barn because our outside pump froze up so that is hard too, but when you put your trust in Jesus, there is such a peace through it all. Knowing that we are living where God wants us to be is so reassuring. Through it all, he just keeps blessing us and confirming that we are doing what he has called us to do.
What are you going through? I really believe that you can have a mindset of doom and gloom or you can choose to have joy through all of it. It is a choice. There were a few days or maybe even weeks of being so extremely exhausted throughout this move this year, that I had a bad attitude after moving, but when I made the choice to focus on so many many positives, it changed my whole perspective. Our faith and having such a close relationship with the Holy Spirit has alot to do with my joy along with the confirmation and reassurance from Him that we are right where we need to be at this time.
I want you to look back at this last year, this last 5 years, and last 10 years. Look how far you have come! Sometimes as homesteaders, we forget all that we have accomplished just because we have so many more projects to do and so many amazing things yet to learn.
Right now, if you are the person dreaming of owning land someday, think about all the things you can learn while you are waiting. In the season of waiting, you can prepare and dream, and save money!!!!! Be grateful for what you have and stewart it well! Learn how to live a simple life now so that when an opportunity comes up, you are ready.
Here are 7 ways to cultivate positivity during a tough season or the season of waiting.
- 1. Gratitude Journaling: Start a gratitude journal to regularly jot down things you're thankful for. It could be the warmth of the sun, the sound of nature, or the support of your community or church.
- 2. Affirmations: Incorporate positive affirmations into your daily routine. Remind yourself of the strengths and capabilities that reside within, fostering a mindset of abundance and possibility.
- 3. Mindful Positivity: Practice mindful positivity by being aware of your thoughts. Redirect negative thoughts and replace them with affirming and optimistic ones
- 4. Celebrate Small Wins: Acknowledge and celebrate small achievements, both in your homesteading journey and personal life. Recognizing these victories, however minor, contributes to a positive and uplifting atmosphere.
- 5. Visualize Success: Use the power of visualization to imagine your goals coming to fruition.
- 6. Surround Yourself with Positivity: Connect with like-minded individuals who share a positive mindset. Engage in conversations that uplift and inspire, whether it's in your local community or through virtual platforms.
- 7. Being Adaptable and Resilient: Challenges are a natural part of life, and a positive mindset can help navigate them with grace and determination.
Positivity is not just a state of mind but a way of life. By infusing these ideas into your daily routine, you can create a ripple effect of positivity!
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
Talk Soon!

Monday Nov 20, 2023
Monday Nov 20, 2023
Hey Friend!
This is a past episode, so email me if you would like the recipes!
I know you need to reduce stress and simplify your holiday processes as a busy mom trying to do it all.
Create traditions, but keep it simple and enjoy more intentional living.
Find free events in your area to save money.
Make a list and plan your trips to town. Planning is key to keep everything simple and helping minimize it!
So many good tips here!
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/

Monday Nov 13, 2023
Monday Nov 13, 2023
Hey Friend!
You are the BEST!!!!!! I just want to say thank you! You are awesome and I love your support! We reached a huge milestone of 50,000 downloads last week!
I am celebrating being obedient and listening to the Holy Spirit! When the subject of podcasting came up, I didn’t even think twice about it since I wasn’t a podcast listener and I didn’t think speaking was one of my gifts. I however know when I need to obey and that is just what I did-I told God to do whatever He wanted in me and that I was available!
I had no idea how podcasting would change my life in so many ways. I want you to know that if there is something you are being called to do, but you are holding back, you can do it with God’s help and you don’t want to wait any longer. If you can help someone else with what you may think is something easy to you, they will be forever grateful.
I didn’t know this life of simple living would affect anyone else. It is just something that has been second nature to me as I was able to raise my babies all while finding creative ways to spend less money just so I could be a stay at home mom. It has blessed me so much to be able to teach others to do the same.
I’m so excited to let you know in celebration of this milestone and our fist email coming out this week, that anyone who signs up on the website for one of our free downloads will also be in a drawing for 2 winners to do a FREE 30 minute coaching call-that a $100 value! If you have already signed up, just shoot me a quick email at monica@claimingsimplicity.com and say hello and you will be in the drawing as well!
On the coaching call, I help you simplify your meals to save money on groceries, help you declutter and use a simple system to keep your home clean, or help you switch over to having a more natural home. Sign up by November 24th 2023 to get in on this deal!!!!!! I’m so passionate about helping others, that I get super excited when I see others getting results to change their lives from overwhelmed, stressed out and exhausted to beginning their simple living journey! Hope to chat soon!
Have a fabulous week and don’t forget to celebrate even your tiniest milestones!!!!!!
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/