***TOP 1.5 % Global Podcast*** Are you a busy mom who wants more time for what matters most, but you have no idea where to start simplifying your life? Do you wish you could nourish your family with healthy homemade food but are too overwhelmed and end up going through the drive thru......again? Are you concerned about the toxins in your home and food but don’t know how to find simple, natural options to support your family’s health? I am so excited you are here! This podcast will teach you how to live an simpler life, make your own natural products, simple ways to garden, cook from scratch, and preserve your food to save money and reduce the items you have to buy at the store to become more self-reliant and creating an income on your homestead! Hey, I’m Monica, I’m a wife, mom of 5 kids, grandma, nurse and daughter of the King! I was overwhelmed with my full schedule and knew I wanted to create more time for my family by simplifying my life. I started small by swapping toxic products for more natural ones, cooking simple healthy meals from scratch, and creating simple systems without the stress and overwhelm! And I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with you! So grab that cup of coffee, get cozy on the porch swing…..and let’s chat! Website: Claimingsimplicity.com Join our Community of Christian Moms https://www.facebook.com/groups/claimingsimplicity/ Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
Friday Aug 18, 2023
Friday Aug 18, 2023
I want you to think about your life right now. Do you feel like you are going 100 miles per hour at all times? If so, you need to slow down! My body was in exhaustion mode for about 3 weeks and I felt like I couldn’t add one more thing or I would crash, but I knew it was God’s way of telling me to step back and take a look at what I value and what is important.
This is not normally how I live as we have designed our life with putting our time and energy on the things we value most, so we had to evaluate what was really important-getting our house finished at a crazy pace or slow down and make time for more enjoyable moments. Getting our eyes off what is truely important will make us more vulnerable to Satan’s attack and I knew that I was getting up and working right away in the morning without spending my quiet time with God every day and that really got me off track! I’m happy to say that after I got back into my normal routine, everything just started falling back into place.
So first, step back to see where you have the most chaos.
Next, see what you can eliminate
Last, practice living in the present and enjoying it.
See ya next week!
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Thursday Aug 17, 2023
Another lessoned learned the last month is too much stuff is pure chaos. All areas of my life feel unorganized when I had stuff everywhere-I almost forget a few appointments, I had a doctor bill that got lost in the mess and I got a letter last week saying this is your last notice-what? I take pride on never being late on any bill as most are set up automatically, but that could have cost me extra money if I would have missed it, but I’m sure the address change had something to do with it as well. I ended up buying duplicate items because I had no idea where something was, so clutter can also cost you quite a bit of money, so if you want to save money, learn to live with less stuff!
Start decluttering your home if you have not! I still have a enclosed trailer full of stuff and I don’t even want to unpack it and we still have a storage unit with items in. I’m waiting until I have the time to organize and put where it needs to go, but now that we have used some of it in the last few months, I’m thinking we might downsize even further!
I am finally feeling somewhat better because I am finding a place for items in our home and anything that doesn’t have a place is going to the donation center. This home is quite a bit bigger….even though we wanted to downsize but this is where God wanted us, it seems to have less storage space because it is a more open concept and not like the farmhouse style we had before, so it has been tricky. I honestly don’t know how people function with stuff all over, it just mentally drained me. It is so much easier to have less stuff than to have to take up mental space for many items. Here are some things I want you to do right now.
First, look around your home and see if there is any garbage laying around and toss it. Train yourself and your family to put garbage away when you get done with it. It is something that you may consciously have to do for a while until it becomes a habit, but it will make such a difference for you. After that, look around if there are any dishes laying around where they should not be and put them into the kitchen where they belong. Make sure you are making note of where the problems are happening so you can incorporate new systems to keep the clutter at bay.
Another thing you should think about is every time you purchase an item is if you have a place for it and also what you are we going to get rid of-especially when you are thrift shopping because honestly, that can become clutter if you don’t keep on top of it! And if you are like me….you like a good deal! Remember it isn’t a good deal if it becomes clutter!
Plan your week…so much less chaos when you know what is happening and you have a plan. Take Sunday evening or Monday morning to look through what is going on so you don’t always feel scattered and flying by the seat of your pants!
Implement these first few items to get you on your way to simple living and more peace!!!
I can help you make a plan to simplify! If you want to win a ½ hour coaching call, you could be 1 of 4 people that begin to turn your chaos into calm and I would love to help you on that journey!!!!!
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
Wednesday Aug 16, 2023
I wanted to talk about having fun because at my parent’s 50th wedding anniversary party a couple weeks ago, my daughters were telling my nephews that they haven’t done anything this summer but work…..and yes, we have worked alot and they have been so much help, but they maybe forgot the many things they did do! They are so used to doing several day trips during the week and going to our cabin more which we didn’t get too much this summer! We normally do many things and we have had less time with friends this summer and volleyball practice starts every day, so I’m sure that is why they don’t think they have done much, so I was feeling a little Mom quilt knowing how much work we have done so we took a few days to just hang out last week and do what they wanted to do.
You don’t need to spend money on fun activities! We also like to tube down the river, go to random parks with hiking trails, we hiked the highest point in the county next to us in June, we go to the turtle races, movies in the park, parades, church events and festivities, barn dances, car shows, frisbee golf, pickle ball, strawberry patch, different beaches and county parks, splash pads, picnics, bike riding and we get together with friends and family often with bonfires, game nights and going to the lake just to name a few.
Our activities look different in the summer than the winter here, they look different at every age group but there are so many many things you can do without spending money and it is such good quality time together. Raise kids that enjoy the simple things in life and teach them that you don’t have to spend money to have fun.
We love nature, so most times our adventures aren’t shopping or spending money unless we go to some touristy lake towns to check out the events and little shops. Save money and live a quality life with simple living.
I truely believe teaching your kids that less is more is so important and to enjoy the little things in life.
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Tuesday Aug 15, 2023
Hello Again! This is so fun to be with you every day this week!!!! Remember, it is my Birthday week and I am going to give away 4- ½ hour coaching calls because it is the last year that my age will start with a 4!!!!!! I help women simplify areas of their life they are struggling with…..it might be motherhood, saving money, decluttering, cooking from scratch, or homesteading so you can reduce overwhelm. I like to keep everything simple and I love helping others do the same. All you have to do to enter the giveaway is give a rating and review and send me an email at monica@claimingsimplicity.com and I will announce the winners on the August 28th podcast!!!!!!!
I have mentioned before how being off of a schedule and living out of a box for a few months has put a major damper on our healthy eating and boy can we tell in so many different areas from gut health, mood and the way we felt to weight gain! We went from eating most things homemade and from scratch and always having sourdough and fresh whole foods available with a garden to eating convenience foods from the store we normally don’t eat! After a few months of my teenagers eating the food they thought they wanted to eat because many of their friends eat that way - like hot pockets and anything they could make quickly in the airfryer -it wasn’t long and they were telling me they are sick of those foods! Something I never thought I would hear from them! I mentioned last week we finally got our kitchen table in our house and the night before we fed our sourdough (which by the way, we hadn’t fed in 3 months) and made 4 sourdough pizza crusts, flat bread, and bagels and they were so delicious!!!!!! Do you know how many things you can make with just starter, flour and water? I think we forgot how good real food tastes-I can’t imagine going a lifetime without it! I have a roast, potatoes and carrots in the crockpot ready for tomorrow along with some sourdough bread and rhubarb crisp and that has been a meal we haven’t had for a while either-yum! So simple, so healthy, and so good!
Something else that is important to eating healthy is only buying foods you can eat before they go bad. I was just buying groceries here and there without a plan and that not only cost extra money, but many times the food went bad before we got to it. I heard a statistic that I thought was outrageous that we waste up to 60% of our food! WHAT?? That is crazy. I love that our chickens and pigs can use any waste and my worms get some of that as well!
Last week, I unpacked my magnetic weekly plan that goes right on the fridge for everyone to see and we won’t have extra food in the fridge this week because I have a plan and will only buy the few ingredients we need. I plan my meals around what food is on hand as I look into the fridge on Sunday and plan for the week with the food we need to use up which saves on food going to waste and saves money! It is so much cheaper to make your own yogurt and granola and that is something that is so easy and much tasier! There are so many items like this you can make yourself that are simple to make, healthier, and will save you money!
Find yourself a good routine with healthy foods-I am back to eating bacon, eggs in the morning along with my apple cider vinegar since I need to make some more kombucha, and I feel so much better already and am gaining my energy back again. I also need to add my adrenal cocktails back into my routine because my adrenal glands get depleted very fast and that just helps with my high energy levels, so if you haven’t tried that, let me know and I can send you my recipe!
If you want to have more energy and less overwhelm, I suggest you start making some of your food from scratch with trusted ingredients because food affects all areas of your body and you need to be aware of what you are putting in it! Remember too that simple meals can be healthy meals!
Ok, that is all I have today, but I look forward to being with you tomorrow for my birthday!!!!!!! If you haven’t already, give a rating and review on apple podcasts and send me an email letting me know you did that and I will enter you in the drawing for 4 FREE ½ hour coaching calls to help you simplify your life! It only takes 30 seconds, but that free ½ call could change your life!
Talk to ya tomorrow!
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Monday Aug 14, 2023
Hey There!
I am so excited to be doing this podcast every day this week and I hope to give you many nuggets that you can put into practice.
I am going to give away 4- ½ hour coaching calls because it is the last year that my age will start with a 4!!!!!! I don’t even think I have talked about my coaching on here, but I help women simplify areas of their life they are struggling with…..it might be motherhood, saving money, decluttering, cooking from scratch, or homesteading. You know me, I like to keep everything simple and I love helping others do the same. All you have to do to enter the giveaway is give a rating and review and send me an email at monica@claimingsimplicity.com and let me know you left a review and I will announce the winners on the August 28th podcast!!!!!!!
I’m going to bring you back a few months into a very insane few weeks for me. As we closed on our property, we started working right away. Our first concern was getting the goats some fencing up and get their home situated, get a chicken coop ready so we could get our chickens back so we could have fresh eggs again, and prepare a home in our overgrown fenced in garden area for a couple pigs so they could root up it up so we can plant next spring, but we were unprepared for all the work that needed to be done to the house and it took us over a month to even get furniture in it because it needed so much work. This is not something we expected as the house was built in 2005, so not even 20 years old!
After 2 weeks in, I broke down after working from 5am to 10pm every day and I just asked God why He wanted us to move here. You will see….was the only answer I needed to keep trudging away!
We had reservations at Family Camp for 10 days that I booked at the beginning of the year and even though I love the quality time so much each year, I was thinking I should cancel so I could keep working feverishly as we were getting our piglets right after those 10 days at camp and we had only been at our new home for 2 weeks. And then it hit me…..I needed that 10 days of down time!!!!! So we packed up and had the most wonderful time with friends and family. All of our kids and grandkids were able to come to camp, we celebrated our 1 year old Grandson’s Birthday there and it was a Fabulous time away.
See ya tomorrow! Monica
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Monday Aug 07, 2023
Thanks for all the love and reaching out while I was in the trenches of this move! I will say that this was one of the hardest moves we have ever made even though we only went 5 miles! I’m not sure if it is because we are 10 years older, if it is because we had alot more animals and things that go along with that when you have a homestead, or if it is because we had so much work to do on the house before we even moved in! We are still working on the house and still have a storage unit full of things I’m not sure where we will even put, but we did get our kitchen table into the house yesterday, so we are making progress!!!!!
I just want you to know that I really do live this life I talk about. I had to say no to many things and to doing the podcast as it was just one more thing to do and I had to put my priorities in order and as much as I love podcasting and teaching, I had to keep my values in order as much as possible~and honestly, my body and mind were so tired and exhausted that I could only do so much as I was still running teenagers to their activites and camps and all the other obligations we had!
I am super excited to let you know that I have so much to talk about and teach you and I am going to give you 5 podcast episodes of the things that I have learned through this move next week. I know how you like the short episodes, so that is why I will do an episode each day!!!!
I love you so much! Thanks for listening to this podcast!!!!!! If you haven’t already, please take 30 seconds to rate and review the podcast and share it with others that want to live a simpler life!
Have a super week!
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
Monday Jun 05, 2023
Monday Jun 05, 2023
So why would you want to have a more natural home? I did not know when I was a young mom of all the toxins in soaps and cleaning supplies, plastics and so many other supplies I used every single day. The fact is……I am still learning! I noticed a big difference in going from mostly natural to being in contact with things I wouldn’t normally use. I have used natural cleaning supplies for many years, but I have been really trying to change over my whole home slowly but surely-as soon as something runs out, I try to find a natural way to make it-sometimes we like the first recipe and sometimes I have to go through many recipes to find a product we love. Here are some of the simple things I did in the beginning that saved me alot of money.
One of the first things I did and easiest things you can change is your multipurpose cleaner. This would be how I clean bathrooms, counter tops and really almost anything! I have 2 really good recipes. One of them, I mix equal parts of white vinegar and water and add a high quality refreshing essential oil. Be very careful to use a quality essential oil as most on the market are not pure. Being a nurse, I had to have the details, so I have done the research and I can give you my recommendations if you want them. I will have a link in the description, but feel free to email me as well! This multipurpose spray should be handy in each bathroom so you can easily clean as you need to. If you don’t keep one in each room, If you are like me, you might go into a different room and totally forget you were grabbing a bottle of spray!!!!!!! The other recipe uses on guard and I like to keep this in the kitchen for all surfaces. You will use these sprays all the time and it is a fraction of the price of cleaners in the store and works alot better!
The next thing I did was remove all candles and air fresheners that were not natural-do you know how bad it is to breathe those in? Even the sprays that say 100% essential oil is not true because there is no regulation of them, so get rid of them so your family isn’t inhaling those toxins into their lungs! I used to use the plug in or renuzit air fresheners around my house thinking that my house smelled better, but it makes me wonder now if that is why my kids were sick with colds and ear infections so much when they were young. I am more sensitive now to toxins because of the natural environment I have created, so many times I can notice them right away in someone else’s home! My eyes now water when I enter a garage or home that uses these toxic air freshners~so if you think it is helping your place smell better, think of what it is doing to your lungs and everyone that enters! I have noticed that many of the big stores such as Target that call their products natural just have really good marketing strategies to let people think the products are pure, but are not any healthier than the ones that are not labeled natural or 100% and that is why I make my own. I know exactly what is in them. I certainly love a great smelling home, so I have several favorite diffuser going throughout the day. My favorite are happy and energizing aromas, I love the fall and Christmas smells during those seasons, and when I have alot of work I need to focus on a large project or something, I have a diffuser with oils that help with that. So many that I love!
And the 3rd simple change we made was using a natural laundry detergent. We actually make our own so we know what is in it. If you are using any detergent or fabric softener that is not pure, you are letting the toxins soak into your skin and your kids skin every single day! Do the research for yourself because I wish I would have known all this information years ago-it wasn’t until our older kids were probably around 10 when I changed over, so it has been many many years and the detergent works really well. I did stop for a while because I was using a shredded felz napa bar soap and it ended up clogging up my HE washer. I then went to a free and clear from the store for a short time, but as I was spending so much more money, I decided to look for another option and now I use a detergent that I absolutely love, it doesn’t use bar soap so it doesn’t clog the hose and it smells so so fresh! It is super simple, it will save you thousands of dollars through the years and will make a big difference in your health friend!
Start your natural journey today! Free resource to my favorite recipes below!
DIY Cleaners ->https://claiming-simplicity.ck.page/best-diy-cleaners
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
Oils -> my.doterra.com/monicabaker/
Fruits & Veggies -> https://www.monicabaker.juiceplus.com/
Friday Jun 02, 2023
Friday Jun 02, 2023
I’m lucky enough to have friends where I can get my raw milk from until next Spring when we hopefully have our own after our goats give birth, so I just wanted to talk today about the benefits of Raw milk which refers to unpasteurized milk obtained directly from cows, goats, or sheep. While some advocate for its consumption due to potential health benefits, it's important to note that raw milk can also pose health risks if not handled properly. Here are some potential benefits often attributed to raw milk:
Please note….I am not an expert, I am just passing on information to you in hopes that you try it yourself and see the benefits!
- Raw milk is one of the most nutrient-dense foods available which means it has alot of nutrients but relatively few calories and it is known to be rich in essential vitamins which support the brain and nervous system, it also helps with development, focus and brain development, bone density, and balancing hormones. It contains minerals and electrolytes such as calcium, magnesium, phosphorus and potassium and our muscles use certain chemicals together with water to make sure that the electrical charges in our bodies work properly. They allow us to perform functions such as thinking, seeing, moving and keep your heart beating. It also contains omega 3’s and short chain fatty acids that help control issues related to inflammation, slow metabolism and stress resistance and it is connected to cancer prevention, fat loss and healthier cholesterol levels-now why wouldn’t everyone want to drink raw milk in this fast paced world to help with this all of this?
- Raw milk contains naturally occurring beneficial bacteria called probiotics and digestive enzymes that can support gut health. Probiotics are known to promote a healthy balance of gut flora, which is essential for digestion and overall well-being. Cultured dairy foods give the highest amounts of probiotic than any other food available.
- Some proponents of raw milk claim that it can alleviate symptoms of milk allergies or lactose intolerance. They argue that the presence of enzymes and probiotics in raw milk may aid in the digestion of lactose and potentially reduce allergic reaction.
- Raw milk enthusiasts suggest that the presence of immune-boosting components, such as antibodies and white blood cells, in unpasteurized milk may strengthen the immune system and improve overall health.
- Many people prefer the taste of raw milk over pasteurized milk, finding it creamier and more flavorful. Taste is subjective, but some individuals choose raw milk for its sensory appeal.
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
- Monica
Tuesday May 30, 2023
Tuesday May 30, 2023
As I was driving home yesterday, I was just thinking about you and if you are actually living how you want to be living. It is just so different when you are living in God’s will and what He wants you to do and you are not living as the world lives and how they think you “should” be living. So many people just go to college to get a job they don’t even enjoy and feel like they have to do it every day just to keep up with others and collect possessions that they don’t even have time to enjoy. Is this you? I am here to tell you that your life does not have to be this way.
Sometimes you have to step out in faith to do something different even when others don’t understand. Many people don’t even understand how to make money without working for someone else, but since 2020, it has been so nice to see even more people start businesses doing what they love and finding communities of like minded people is so much easier now which is so much to hang out with people with the same values. Surrounding yourself and your family around these positive friends can be so rewarding!
I want you to take a look at what is going well in your life and what you would like to change. Is your time aligned with your values or are you getting up to go to work for someone else every day, but wishing you were doing something else? Are you tired of the hustle just to get by day after day so that you can have those expensive vehicles so you can look good to those around you? Do you trade time for money and you are always hustling trying to get ahead?
I am here to let you know that it does not have to be that way-life is too short not to enjoy what you are doing.
I believe that everything you do should have God in the center of it all - family and business and when you put Him first and your roots are deep, you can withstand anything because you know He is the Rock on which it all stands. Many times it comes down to trusting - are you trusting Him with everything and have you surrendered it all to Him? I believe this is one of the first steps.
Next, look at that list. Where can you make changes right now? How can you reduce debt quickly? Sell anything you have payments on. If you could reduce one or 2 car payments, how would that change your debt? There are many reliable vehicles for a reasonable price if you are willing to drive something older. We like to find older vehicles with lower miles that we can pay cash for because not only will you be saving on a car payment, but older vehicles are cheaper to insure and you don’t have to have full coverage on them because you don’t have a loan on them. If you don’t have money to make repairs if they should come up, you might want to keep full coverage on them until you do have a nice little saving for those just in case moments, but you could save thousands of dollars on car payments and reduced insurance costs each year just on vehicles.
If you want to live a life of your dreams without debt, you are also going to want to stop impulse and frivolous spending. This doesn’t mean you go without, but it does mean that until you are living this debt free life, you try to be more intentional with your spending and purchases. Do you really need that brand name purse or decor? If you think certain brands make you a better person, you are wrong! In fact……most of us living our dream life don’t even know if you are wearing designer jeans or have a designer purse because we don’t focus on materialism. We focus on being more like Jesus and shining our light and not our possessions and you can too!!!! If you die tomorrow, do you really think people would talk about your purse or the vehicles you had, absolutely not!!!! They talk about the kind of person you were and the life you lived! Spread joy everywhere you go!
I want you to make that list today of where you could reduce your debt so that you can begin this journey of freedom to live the life you have always dreamed of! It takes time, but it is so worth it friend!
If you need help, please reach out to me!
Join our Community of Christian Moms ->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
Have a blessed day!
Friday May 26, 2023
Friday May 26, 2023
Hey Friend!
Well, we made it through another homeschooling year and here are the lessons we learned! I am so relieved that we homeschooled this year. So much drama in my daughters grades that I am just so happy that they can focus on their work at home and then go to sports and just enjoy their friends and sports without being intertwined in that. Not only are my kids learning the regular subjects and learning to put God in the center of it all, but they are learning so many life skills we just don’t have time to teach when they are away from home 12 hours a day with school and sports. It was really an enjoyable year for these girls and now they don’t want to go back to public school, there is not an option for Christian School for high school in our area and we are not going to be in the same school district with our new home, so they are going to make the choice as to if they go back to school and play sports or if they homeschool and don’t play sports. They want to play sports in the school district they did this year and since we won’t be living in that one, they can’t play high school sports there is the homeschool. It really is an unfortunate rule in MN, but whatever decision they make, God will be with them.
Some of our favorite activities this year were making noodles, sourdough recipes, preserving food even this winter, caring for our animals and some great self sufficient skills and lessons from running your own business.
It really amazes me how much kids rub off on each other and how pleasant they are when they aren’t having to compete with others and can just be themselves. We are grateful to be surrounded by so many with similar values which is so encouraging when the world is getting so dark! Continue to be the light and press on with keeping God in the center of your life and teaching your kids to do the same. As we are getting closer to end times, it is even more important that these kids have a solid spiritual foundation so they can help blesss others and discipleship them as well!
Keep Shining Bright Friend!