***TOP 1.5 % Global Podcast*** Are you a busy mom who wants more time for what matters most, but you have no idea where to start simplifying your life? Do you wish you could nourish your family with healthy homemade food but are too overwhelmed and end up going through the drive thru......again? Are you concerned about the toxins in your home and food but don’t know how to find simple, natural options to support your family’s health? I am so excited you are here! This podcast will teach you how to live an simpler life, make your own natural products, simple ways to garden, cook from scratch, and preserve your food to save money and reduce the items you have to buy at the store to become more self-reliant and creating an income on your homestead! Hey, I’m Monica, I’m a wife, mom of 5 kids, grandma, nurse and daughter of the King! I was overwhelmed with my full schedule and knew I wanted to create more time for my family by simplifying my life. I started small by swapping toxic products for more natural ones, cooking simple healthy meals from scratch, and creating simple systems without the stress and overwhelm! And I can’t wait to share what I’ve learned with you! So grab that cup of coffee, get cozy on the porch swing…..and let’s chat! Website: Claimingsimplicity.com Join our Community of Christian Moms https://www.facebook.com/groups/claimingsimplicity/ Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

Friday Jul 19, 2024
Friday Jul 19, 2024
Hello Friend!
I'm just popping in today to let you know I am still here, just very busy on our homestead and making memories with kids and grandkids.
Summer is the perfect time to enjoy a more intentional life. Slow living and saying no to things that are not the most important is possible and attainable!
Love you!
Website and Waitlist:
Simple Homesteading for Christians->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/

Monday May 27, 2024
Monday May 27, 2024
Happy Memorial Day Friend!
You have never tried using essential oils for your health and home? They are just a part of our every day life that I couldn’t ever imagine having to use anything else! We use them for cleaning, hair and body, laundry, having more energy, any illness we feel coming on, bug bites, preventing spiders or ticks-absolutely everything!!!
This last week, my husband had planter fasciitis and that helped with that too. Now I am not saying they cure things, but they sure help!!!!!
Once you realize that your cleaning supplies can be very minimal, you will save money!
It feels so good to use non toxic ingredients in our home and also on our animals. When they have a rash or anything, oils are our go to choice to help.
Check out all the amazing benefits for yourself and if you have not already, grab my free DIY cleaning recipes in the link below or on the website. Everything is simple to make and probably everything you have on hand in your home.
DIY Cleaners ->https://claiming-simplicity.ck.page/best-diy-cleaner
Have a Blessed Week!
Website and Waitlist:
Simple Homesteading for Christians->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

Monday May 20, 2024
Monday May 20, 2024
Hello Friend
I know you are looking forward to summer and if you want to spend most of your days outside instead of cleaning inside, you are going to want to do these steps now so you have less stress when summer comes! When you simplify your Spring cleaning system, you will feel less overwhelmed and more at peace.
There was a time when I felt that I was wasting so much time always cleaning, but that was before I simplified my life. It felt like a never ending cycle of cleaning one area and by the time I got to all the areas, I needed to clean the area I started with again and it was exhausting! I am not a type A person, so I’m always random because I always want to fit the most important part of my life first and I don’t want God or my family to just get leftovers.
As my life gets fuller and fuller with a larger family with more Grandkids, I want to spend time with them and not time cleaning and keeping up on the house and I bet you understand this as well!
You have to make a plan and what it is that you really want to get done. This is a big deal! When you plan your time and add it to your calendar, you are bound to get alot more done! Even 15 minutes at a time will help you get ahead!
Next, start decluttering. When you have less items to manage, you have less mental stress and less you have to keep up on, so I want you to start with one room of your house and eliminate anything you do not use. This may take a little bit of time, but I promise you, it will be worth it in the end! What a game changer it is to have to clean less because you have less to organize and manage! Once summer comes, you can be outside without having to waste time in the house cleaning or organizing!
Next, reduce what you clean with. I only use a few items for cleaning and this reduces overwhelm in having to keep up on what you have on hand so it keeps cleaning simple and also saves money! We have a multipurpose spray that we use for most of the cleaning, some toilet bombs, and vinegar with essential oils which covers almost everything!!!!! If you want the recipes for the DIY cleaners, I will leave the link in the show notes! I also have other simple items on that you might like as well! Enjoy!
If you don’t have a roomba, I suggest putting it in your budget when you can get it -we don’t have animals in our house, but it is works incredibly well. I have an app and have it scheduled for times it works for our family and it just automatically runs! It doesn’t get everything, but saves me from having to dust or mop the floors more than a few times a year or if it gets soiled!
I like to go through my clothes, cupboards and bathroom every Spring to just eliminate anything I don’t need. It doesn’t take me very long because after Christmas, I like to purge as much as I can too, so it is just a matter of seeing if there is anything you haven’t used or won’t use for the summer season.
I spend most of our time outside, with family or at our cabin in the summer if it works, so I don’t do any purging, decluttering or organizing usually until Fall, and that is usually a quick declutter of canning and preserving items and getting the summer clothes swapped out for our winter clothes. With less stuff, there is so much less cleaning and you can spend time doing what you love and being outdoors! So much less stress!
Website and Waitlist:
Simple Homesteading for Christians->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

Monday May 13, 2024
Monday May 13, 2024
Hello Friend
Are you constantly searching recipes for the fad diets that keep you on the roller coaster of diet trends for years that mess with your metabolism? I don’t even know what the newest thing is out there right now since we just switched to nutrient dense food years ago and cooking from scratch.
From that time, I started learning about what is in the food we eat and how to eat more nutrient rich foods so I don’t ever have to diet. We want our kids to know how important it is to look at what is in the food, the dyes and also if it has more than a couple ingredients, it probably is something I would skip.
Now, as I have simplified and created a whole system around this, we still will get things on occasion that don’t align with this and that is okay. It isnt all or nothing such as diets. Just so the majority of the time, you are opting for healthy choices.
Live your best life by treating your body well. You only have 1 body, so feed it good food. When you have an active everyday life, you are naturally able to get exercise into your schedule-habit stack on each thing you do throughout the day!
Our favorite nutrient dense foods right now are meats such as venison, pork, beef and chicken. Did you know that nutrient dense means less food with the most amount of nutrients. You don’t have to eat large amounts of nutrient dense foods because they are just packed with goodness. We eat seasonally so right now we are eating potatoes and trying to use up all our preserved produce before the new season arrives. Consumption of nutrient dense foods rich in protein, fiber, and essential vitamins and minerals are one of the keys to wellness!
Remember, With God~all things are possible!
Website and Waitlist:
Simple Homesteading for Christians->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

Monday May 06, 2024
Monday May 06, 2024
Happy May Friend
Simplify your home-this will save you many hours of having to manage items and cleaning.This will truely create more time in your life. I didn’t realize how much my life would be simplified by decluttering. I now have less stress trying to manage all the stuff and if you have not done this yet, reach out and I will help you get started~the hardest part is figuring out where to start. When everything has a place, it tends to be super simple to keep up with and when you have a super simple systems, you are able to spend more time doing the things you love with the people you enjoy being with and it feels so much lighter to have less to manage.
DO NOT overbook your schedule. Keeping your schedule simple can reduce overwhelm as a busy mom. There are times when I want to squeeze something in, but then I remind myself, that never works, so I don’t even try anymore and if it is something that someone asks me to do or help with, I just politely say, “thanks for thinking of me, but at this time in my life, I have to pass. I stopped being a yes girl many years ago.
Know your energy. Do your creative projects when you have the most energy and are focused. I hope these time management tips help you create more time in your busy schedule so you can get more done in less time! I am all about simple and efficient things!
Have a great week!
Website and Waitlist:
Simple Homesteading for Christians->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

Monday Apr 29, 2024
Monday Apr 29, 2024
Hey Friend!
I still can’t believe how much prices have increased at the grocery store and I am extremely thankful we grow and raise as much food as possible, so we don’t have to spend much at the store, but there are always items you can’t grow in your location, so we do rely on the store a little and azure standard for our bulk items. I might notice it more as I don’t have to buy items very often and am still not used to it! If you are tight on money, start cleaning out your cupboards. No matter what, it is just a good practice to do so you don’t let any food go to waste. If you are like me, we do end up having a few random items expire and I don’t like to waste anything, so make sure to look at dates. This would be your freezer foods and canned foods.
As we were looking at the amount of hamburger and venison burger we had in the freezer, we realized that we wanted to save that because we are running low and we have 2 freezers full of pork now, so we have been trying different recipes that we typically use hamburger or venison for and replacing that with pork. Since we are now raising our own pork along with our chicken, we have an abundance. I just put a roast with potatoes, carrots and bone broth I took out from the freezer into the crockpot. This is such a simple meal as it sits on low all day and falls apart and tender
when it is ready to eat in the evening.
We are really trying to use as much as we can from our canned goods and freezers to use them up before the new gardening season starts to produce, so when you plan your meals every week, you want to look at what you have on hand and what you can make with those items and then your grocery list is usually quite short.
I took ground pork and added some ketchup, mustard and brown sugar for sloppy joes and my husband enjoyed that as much as beef, so that was good. I made up about 8 pounds and then froze several portions, so he always has a variety each week for his work lunches with different meals.
We also made taco meat with the ground pork along with tacos bowls. This is such a great way to have something in the fridge at all times for a quick meal. I just keep bowls of rice, corn, black beans that I soaked, and then add cheese, salsa, sour cream or any other items you like on your taco bowls. If you don’t want to have bowls, this can easily be made into burritos as well. This is one of my favorite meals actually-chipotle at home!
When you are using items you already have at home, you will save alot of money. Don’t let your food go to waste and just buy what you need. As always, remember to keep it simple! You can make several nourishing and nutrient dense meals in a short amount of time.
Have a blessed week friend
Website and Waitlist:
Simple Homesteading for Christians->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Thursday Mar 28, 2024
Happy Holy Week!
I didn’t grow up gardening and so I don’t even know how to do a normal garden! I started my gardening journey by tilling up an area of our yard-well, my husband tilled it for us and then we just planted seeds and plants. This kinda worked and we got some produce from it, but I could never keep the weeds under control as we have full lives and a cabin we would go to every week and family camp for 10 days over the 4th of July. I had to make some changes or I wouldn’t garden at all. I had to keep it simple or I would be overwhelmed and would quit gardening. Everything I do, I tweak into simple systems and this goes for gardening too~it has to be simple for me because our lives are very full! I don’t like to spend alot of time in the kitchen cooking and I don’t like to spend alot of time in the garden weeding either~I have grandkids to enjoy!!!!!!
If you live in the city, apartment, or are a suburban homesteader, you can plant your garden in pots or raised beds in a small area and just start out with a few items that you eat often just to learn how to garden. You can always add more and this will keep you from getting stressed out and overwhelmed with gardening.
If you are having trouble with growing food, one of the first suggestions I would say is to get your soil tested. We had very sandy soil, so we had to add alot to ours for it to grow better. I actually started vermicomposting several years ago as well and that has been so much help for our garden. Vermicomposting is something you can do in a suburban area, city or apartment as it doesn’t take up much space.
Let me know if you want more information on it, but listen to episode 32 to start with!!!! It is so simple and important for your garden! I’m going to order more worms and expand as I have a much larger garden space at our new home.
My 2nd tip is if you want to keep critters away, we sprinkle blood meal around our garden and a small amount around our plants and nothing goes near them. I do this also for my flowers that the chickens might attempt to eat. I actually now have my flower beds away from the chickens, but this also keeps the deer and rabbits away which is nice because they used to eat all my hostas and other plants just as they were coming up from the ground! I used to make a natural deer and rabbit spray with eggs and spices, but every time it rained I had to reapply and the animals seems to beat me to the plants, so the blood meal has been nice as I only usually have to spread it a couple times all year and you use such a little amount.
And lastly, this year I am going to try the no dig garden as it is supposed to be much better for the plants so I don’t know if I am going to need to do this or not, but in the past, we got smart with the weeds and layed out fabric and burnt holes in it to plant seeds or plants and we rarely had to weed. This worked amazingly for us and our garden was very plentiful. I posted a video of our garden in our facebook group if you want to see what it looked like. We would have a few weeds here and there, but most of it was covered so the weeds couldn’t get through. If you want to see these videos and be a part of our community, the link will be below!
And here is a bonus tip if you are able to do this. Set up an automatic watering system. Our last home was on the river, so we drilled in water lines to the garden and then had hose to each plant and had it on a timer, so I never had to worry about the garden getting watered if
we were away for an extended period of time and this was a life changer~especially during the summers when we got very little rain. I’m not sure how exactly my husband is planning on setting this up at our new home, but he probably has a plan as we have a hydrant close to one of the large gardens and he will most likely drill another line into the other one to keep everything running smoothly and without alot of hands on work. It does take time to set up simple systems, but once they are set up, it all runs systematically and is much less work!
I would love to know any simple tips to help keep your garden abundant and stress free!!!!!! Send me an email or join our community at the link below and let me know!
Website and Waitlist:
Simple Homesteading for Christians->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/
Pinterest -> https://pin.it/4ulAVwr
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
Happy Easter!!!!!

Monday Mar 25, 2024
Monday Mar 25, 2024
I know you want to be doing all the homesteading things you see on instagram and social media, but the truth is, you are going to get burnt out trying to do it all. I want you to stop and think about what is important in your life. I know that when my kids were young, there is no way that I would’ve been able to do all the things that I do now that I have teenagers that are able to help out and are also independent and that makesa big difference. Littles need so much from you, so enjoy them while you can-they grow way too quick. I am so excited to be creating a program for you so you can learn how to do some of the homesteading skills you want to learn without feeling overwhelmed and stressed out. I want this to be a sustainable lifestyle for you! Join the waitlist at the link below so you get first dibs on the discounts I will offer to email subscribers only!!!! Everything I teach is simple and whether you work full time or are a busy full time Mom, you will be able to learn step by step just how simple it is!
First, you need to take an inventory of where you are spending your time. It may be shocking to you where you may be wasting time. I really encourage you to track this for a week or two. If you don’t pay attention, days, weeks, months, and then years are just going to pass you by and you are going to say…..I wish I would have done this or that and you can’t get that time back.
Next, if you want to stop feeling overwhelmed, you need to just focus on one thing first and then build on that. You only take on what you feel is simple and doesn’t cause you stress. If you are getting frustrated making sourdough bread, then just make some homemade bread with yeast~you friend, don’t have to do what everyone else is doing. Just by taking that one step, you will improve your family’s health by so much. Once you are in a routine of that every week or every month, then add one more simple skill. Maybe you decide to make all your own hand soap~remember, it is just as important to change the ingredients you are using on your skin as the food you are eating. It doesn’t make sense to eat healthy if you putting toxins on the largest organ of your body, you have to think about natural living as a whole. If you changing everything right away, you are most likely to fail, so little by little~there is no hurry.
Lastly, build your community of like minded people. If you don’t have any people around you, then find your people online. Living in a small town of 500 people, I understand this completely! Trying to explain to people that you are a podcaster or have an online business is foreign to them and they can’t fathom making money without going to a physical job to trade hours for dollars. As nice as it is to live in the middle of nowhere, it is so beneficial to have a tribe with similar values online too! We are really grateful to be surrounded by a community of homesteaders that we hang out with often, but sometimes it is hard to find your people locally! You need to find your people and you will feel less overwhelmed when you can really find people you resonate with.
Even online, I make sure that if I am watching or following someone, they are aligned with my values and my Christian faith. I just heard someone recently say that they thought they hung out with all Christians until they became one and then they realized all the ones that they thought were Christians really are not! I could relate to this so much. I remember someone telling me years ago that just be a good person and you will go to heaven. That is not correct at all!! You have to have to accept Jesus as your Lord and Savior-it doesn’t matter what you have done, Jesus loves us all and He wants to have a relationship with you! If you have any questions about this, please email me! I would love to chat.
Love ya!
Website and Waitlist:
Simple Homesteading for Christians->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/
y/Pinterest -> https://pin.it/4ulAVwr
You Tube -> https://www.youtube.com/@claimingsimplicity/
Oils -> my.doterra.com/monicabaker/
Doterra -> https://referral.doterra.me/12623979
Tower Garden -> http://monicabaker.towergarden.com
DIY Cleaners ->https://claiming-simplicity.ck.page/best-diy-cleaner

Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Thursday Mar 21, 2024
Hey Friend
Now that we will have 100 laying hens, people always ask what we are going to do with all the eggs! Just for your information, we will not be keeping this amount of chickens, we are raising some to about 12 weeks for friends, 25 of them could be roosters or hens, so the roosters we will be butchering because we have our one and only gentle rooster named frank sinatra that we love so much and don’t need another rooster at this time, so we could be less than 75 before we know it!
My teenagers sell the eggs and this is a really good gig for them since we pay for the feed and they make the money on the eggs!
We boil at least a dozen or two boiled eggs during the week. It is a great grab and go snack for the whole family. Sometimes we will make deviled eggs out of them for a snack depending on if we have extra time.
One of my favorite ways to use a dozen at a time is to make egg bakes and freeze them. I usually will make 4-6 at a time and then we will take them out of the freezer the day or night before and let them thaw and bake them in the morning. We love to have egg bakes in the fridge all week-not only for breakfasts, but if we need to heat a quick meal up in between sports or an event. If you go to my website below and go to the blog, you will see our favoirite egg bake recipe. Everyone raves about this one and we have been using it for over 20 years along with a few of our other favorite ones.
We will scramble up dozens of eggs and cook them, cook sausage, and brown hashbrown and make breakfast bowls and freeze them and our family loves these as well.
It is really important to me that my kids get a nourishing breakfast every day before school with protein, fat and healthy carbs to sustain them. It has been many many years since I have bought breakfast cereals and items from the store. There is always something in the fridge they can access within a few minutes to make it convenient. These are our convenient foods! No package needed, nutritious, simple adn cheap!!!!
We like to make omlets and quiches, egg salad sandwiches, potato salad. There are just so many ways you can use eggs.
I will take a day and make months worth of sourdough noodles which take alot of eggs-the amount just depends how big I make the batch.
There are so many ways we can use eggs up in our house and it makes for simple and easy meals if you want something quick.
I just ordered a refurbished freeze dryer, so that is another way we will be able to preserve them for 20 plus years if needed! I can’t wait! I’m really going to have to get that you tube channel up and running for you so that you can see all my wins and failures as I test out so many food items.
Chickens are really worth getting because there are so many ways to use the eggs!
Happy Homesteading Friend!
Website and Waitlist:
Simple Homesteading for Christians->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/

Monday Mar 18, 2024
Monday Mar 18, 2024
I really do beleive that alot of it has to do with the food we eat. There are so many hidden poisons in packaged food that are banned in other countries, so I believe diving into food labels and simplifying our choices can have a profound impact on our health and well-being. This topic is close to every homesteader's heart – we all want to deciphering those food labels and embrace the beauty of minimal ingredients.
Picture this: you're standing in the grocery aisle, scanning rows of products, each has an array of ingredients you can barely pronounce. Sound familiar? It's time to reclaim control and return to simplicity!
Why should we care about those tiny print labels? Well, they're like treasure maps, guiding you to the healthiest choices. By adopting a "more is less" approach – aiming for foods with less than 2-3 ingredients – this will help you not just simplify your shopping trips, but also nourish your bodies with wholesome goodness.
So, what's the secret sauce to deciphering these labels? It's all about prioritizing quality over quantity. Look for real, recognizable ingredients – think fresh fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean proteins. Skip the lengthy chemical compounds and opt for foods that Mother Nature herself would recognize. When it says other natural ingredients, that should be avoided as well as you don’t really know what that is.
Look at your bread you have right now if you get it from the store. I looked at a loaf the other day when I was grocery shopping and there were about 15 ingredients in it! Bread is flour, water and yeast. If you don’t have time for sourdough, you do have time for regular bread-I have a recipe that takes less than 10 minutes plus bake time and you can make multiple loaves at a time. I make mine in bulk, so I only have to make it 1 day every 5-6 weeks and that gives me peace of mind that I am helping with my family’s health and wellbeing.
If you have not already, please get on the waitlist for my program that is going to help you start making simple swaps from the store step by step so you can fit this into your life no matter how busy you are. I am the queen of simplicity and I love teaching others to do the same! The link to my website to sign up will be below!
I get it – life gets busy, and convenience is king. That's why i’m not suggesting you ditch all pre-packaged foods entirely. Instead, just get savvy with your selections. Seek out brands committed to transparency and integrity, with short, sweet ingredient lists you can trust.
And let's not forget the joy of homemade food! Channel your inner homesteader and whip up your own pantry staples – from creamy nut butter to zesty salad dressings. Not only do you control what goes in, but you'll also savor the satisfaction of creating something from scratch. You won’t ever want to go back to store bought items after you see how simple they are to make and how you can save money!
So, dear friend, let's make a pact to simplify our plates and nourish our bodies with foods that speak the language of simplicity. Remember the journey to wellness begins with just 2-3 wholesome ingredients.
Until next time, keep claiming simplicity in every aspect of your life friends!
Website and Waitlist:
Simple Homesteading for Christians->
Email -> monica@claimingsimplicity.com
Instagram -> https://www.instagram.com/claimingsimplicity/
Pinterest -> https://www.pinterest.com/claimingsimplicity/